AcuHerb Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine and food medicine
Chinese herb medicine focuses on using natural herbs including food to restore energy balance. At AcuHerbMedicine clinic, we specialize in
Healthy eating and traditional Chinese medicine.
With so many healthy diet theories flying around these days, it can be hard to know what is actually good for our bodies. The Chinese medicine diet is a different way to view of food, and that's been established for thousands of years.
Food is medicine, medicine should including food, because food possible change body Yin Yang energy and balance.
Acupuncture is part of Chinese Medicine.
According to Chinese Medicine, each individual has a life force or energy called "Qi," circulating the body in energy channels known as Meridians.
When the body is in good health, energy flow is balanced and consistent.
When that energy flow is disrupted due to trauma, poor diet, medication or stress, then illness results as pain, infertility…
Acupuncture is the act of inserting needles in specific points to stimulate energy and restore flow in Meridians, focusing on resolving the root cause of symptoms.
At our AcuHerbMedicine Clinic, we treat most kinds of health issues and specialize in (but not limited to) pain management, Infertility and Women's health.
The National Institute of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO), Acupuncture is recognized to be effective in the treatment of a wide variety of medical problems such as:
Alcohol, Nicotine, Drug etc.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Colds and Flu's
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Facial Diagnosis
Facial Rejuvenation
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Headaches / Migraines
Immune Disorders
Internal Medicine
Menstrual Disorders
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Neurological Disorders
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Pain Management
Psychological/Emotional Disorders
Sexual Dysfunction
Weight Reduction
Women's Health
Acupressure and Medical Massage
Acupressure practitioners use their fingers, palms, elbows, feet, or special devices to apply pressure to acupoints on the body's meridians.
Sometimes, acupressure also involves stretching or massage, as well as other methods.
Janet Guo RN, LMT is an acupuncture assistant, practices acupressure and medical message for multiple health conditions.